13 December 2010

Christmas approaches

Yesterday it was 12 days of December gone and 13 days until Christmas and now it is 13 days of December gone and 12 days until Christmas.  It is getting closer.  There is still not that real Christmassy mood yet, but I haven't been to a Christmas party.  In workplaces people aren't doing very much, taking it easy, relaxing and so on.  After all, why should it be any different than the rest of the year? :)

It'll be time to start the Christmas shopping soon. Yep, it is approaching that time of the year.  Not an easy task.  An expensive one though, especially when there are lots of people to buy for. The snow is just about gone, but it could be back soon, which won't make shopping any easier.  Then there are those other Christmas expenses, like the parties and other nights out.  I am not expecting a Christmas bonus this year, but I'll scrape through.  Then it will be 2011.  An interesting year to come.

02 December 2010

December Dublin Snow - 2nd December

Some showers have fallen today, but road conditions are generally good.  No problems getting into the city.  The traffic was light, because some people are afraid to drive on normal roads.  Despite what you hear, it is not so bad out there.  The road outside your door may not look to good, but once you are onto the main roads, it's a doddle.  No worse than a wet day.  With so little traffic, it's even easier than a wet day.  So why so many people stay at home is a mystery.  They see snow and they panic, over nothing.  The people that did try, got in with no problem.  So would the majority of others.  Come on my fellow people of Ireland, don't be afraid of a few flakes of snow.  Get out there, and I don't mean to make snowmen.

01 December 2010

AA Roadwatch does it again

Yet again AA Roadwatch were reporting non-existing problems about a road I took into work this morning.  Despite the very imaginative reports, the roads were once again no worse than on a wet day.  Who writes these reports, J K Rowling?  A goblet of fire must have been held over the road, because it was very clear, despite reports to the contrary I heard as I travelled along it.  Looking around me it was clear that a lot of people don't believe AA Roadwatch's fairy stories as they too were making their way into the city without a problem.  Cars, buses, lorries, vans and even cyclists and pedestrians were making their way with ease.  Obviously the young wizard must have cast his spell on some people to make them believe the fairy stories being told by AA Roadwatch and making them stay at home.  I must have been a very powerful spell to make people believe it.  All they had to do was look outside their windows to see the truth.