30 November 2010

AA Roadwatch reports

You sometimes wonder who sends these reports in.  This morning I heard reports of a road I travel to work on having problems.  When I went in on it, it was no worse than a wet day.  Even as I travelled in on it there were still reports coming about its "problems".  What planet are these drivers on?  It takes just one slow driver to cause a traffic jam, not bad weather.  We can see that in perfect weather conditions. They weren't far from perfect on that road this morning it has to be said.

I think some people take a peak out of their bedroom window, see white and panic and turn around in their bed and stay there with visions of Scott of the Antarctic going through their head.  If they looked a little closer from their window they'd probably see robins walking around, with the snow level not even reaching their ankles.  Even the drivers who brave the "Antarctic" conditions seem to see things that aren't really there.  Imagination is a great thing, but common sense and the truth is what should be used for traffic reports.

On your way home this evening, watch out for the little green men in their flying saucers blocking your way home.  In fact, take a diversion just in case.  Make sure your wipers are in good working order so they can clear the deposits on your windscreens from the low flying pigs.  Safe driving people.

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